Susanne tagged me and here are the rules: I must post the rules, then list 7 random things about me and then tag 7 others to do the same by leaving them a comment.

1. I have a pen "fettish." I LOVE ink pens...not just Bics, but cool pens. If I have one of my "nicer" pens on my desk, and a co-worker reaches over to borrow it, I kind of hold my breath...waiting for them to return it!

2. I love red tulips!

3. I think I'm trying to grow my hair out. I don't know...I might just cut it all off next week! haha

4. I wear high heeled shoes almost everyday. I don't really like sneakers and just bought my first pair in 5 years (hubby picked them out) but I've only worn them once or twice. On the weekends, I wear tall sandels...I don't really wear flat shoes.

5. I like big plastic/shiny/gaudy/fake jewelry. Like fun stuff. I don't normally wear my nice gold & diamond jewelry.

6. I almost always have a book with me. I read during my lunch break. I read in the car at stop lights. I read at home when I can.

7. I love Jay Leno's "Headlines" where people mail in funny things in the newspaper and advertisements. Hilarious! I DVR it every Monday night since I'm normally asleep by then.

Ok...I now tag:


ScrappinMyRoots said…
I love red tulips too! but not high heels.

Nice layouts...btw
Latharia said…
Thanks for playing! :)

I NEVER wear high heels. I am almost ALWAYS in comfy shoes! LOL!
Adriann said…
How funny! I have a pen fetish too! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my banner.

Enjoy your week!!
Marianna said…
*gasp* you read at stop lights?!?!? j/k I don't read often but when I do I'm guilty as well.

I did the 7 random things but i don't have anyone to tag.. :-S
OMG you and gaye are "sole" sisters. she loves heels too. You would think that being as short as I am I would love them too but I am all about flats and comfy shoes!!!

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