I've been tagged!

Ok...so Jen (CLICK HERE) tagged me! I have to post 7 random things about myself:

1. I love gum and chew it almost everyday. But I have to spit it out after a few minutes because I have TMJ and it totally hurts my jaw!
2. I have 6 bobbleheads that sit on my desk at work at stare at me everyday! (Napoleon Dynamite, Kip Dynamite, Pedro, Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute, and Abraham Lincoln...hahaha)
3. I used to collect Boyd's Bears but don't anymore. (I put them on a shelf in the girl's room and told them it's their collection now! haha I don't think they're buying it!)
4. I like the flavor of onions but HATE biting into one. (so I used my Pampered Chef chopper and thoroughly chop each onion to smithereens before cooking with it)
5. I don't like wearing socks...unless I have to. So I don't wear my sneakers very often. I wear open-toed shoes a lot.
6. I can't say conscience or conscious. They both sound the same. (I practice saying them both. "I'm conscious that I have a conscience.")
7. I hate fluorescent lighting. Bleck!

Consider yourself tagged if you got this far in the reading!!! (YOU know who you are! haha)


Adriann said…
I hate socks and shoes! LOL!! Fun facts about you.
Chiara said…
lol Love your list I have TMJ too and after april 1st I tend to where flip flops

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