PAD July 12 - Sunglasses

So, today was a weird day. Orlando called in sick. Well, he wasn't sick though. See Wal-Mart has this STUPID policy about sick days. If you call in sick, you need to use two consecutive sick days to get paid for one. Huh?!? So, Orlando WAS sick last Monday and called in. So today is Saturday and his next consecutive work day. So he had to call in sick to get paid for one day. So it was basically a free day. Dumb, huh? Anyway, it was a nice treat to be able to spend a Saturday as a family. We didn't do anything too exciting except run errands and go shopping all day. We went to the library, Target, Staples, Chilis, Books A Million, Linens N Things, and WalMart. I really needed some new sunglasses because mine are all jacked up with scratches and a crooked frame. (I've had them in my purse for awhile.) So I got these on clearance at Target. I told Orlando I wanted to look like Gabrielle Anwar from "Burn Notice" (my new favorite show!) on the USA Network. Well, I will never look like Gabrielle Anwar, BUT I can get cheap copycat sunglasses like hers! Well, except mine are purple and from Target and on clearance and I'm sure hers are NOT. Hers are cool and brown and designer and I'm SURE cost hundreds of dollars. BUT, I only spent $12 on mine! haha I think they are cool. The girls think I look like I have big purple bug eyes when I wear them. Well, at least I look like a COOL purple bug...I suppose. I took this photo of myself in the visor mear in the car. (Oh, and DON'T look at my nails! I was doing so well with not biting them. And then I nibbled on one and forget it...they were all gone within a matter of minutes. But I'm growing them back out again. What a hard habit to break!) OK, so back to sunglasses...I REALLY want Orlando to get sunglasses like Jeffrey Donovan (also from "Burn Notice." Do you notice a trend here?) Jeffrey (we are on a first name basis now) looks SO good in them. Well, maybe it's just him. haha Unfortunately, Target did not have any similar glasses and I will NOT let Orlando spend hundreds of dollars to get the real things. So I'll be on the look out for copycats of these for Orlando as well. In the meantime, I will just enjoy looking at Jeffrey's cool sunglasses on his cool face while I watch this TOTALLY COOL show. (Did I mention how much I love "Burn Notice?" Oh, and I love how they eat yogurt in every episode!)


Chiara said…
I think I need to tune into this show. Great pic by the way.
kaj said…
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kaj said…
You look so cool!
Latharia said…
You absolutely crack me up. And now, I'm humming "cheap sunglasses" by ZZ Top. And I already watched the season premiere of Burn Notice twice & was disappointed my friends couldn't make it over tonight to justify watching it a 3rd time. :D
never have seen the show but love your glasses
Heather said…
you are so cute!
Lis said…
That's a great picture!

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