Look what I won!

The website Big Picture Scrapbooking held a free online "Big Wig Crop" at the end of August. It sounded like fun, so I participated and did some of the challenges and had some fun. They had a different challenge for each hour that weekend! And a different prize for each challenge. One of the challenges was to scrap about a "big blunder." So, here's my layout.

Well, guess what....I won with this layout for the Big Blunder challenge! And here's what I won: A Life Well Crafted ...a YEAR long online class from Kolette Hall.

I'm SO excited for January 2009 now! :)


Johnna said…
I loved this layout - congrats on winning!!
Jen Mc said…
ROFL!!!!!! This is GREAT! Congrats - what a great prize.

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