Harry Connick, Jr. will be making an appearance on the Rachel Ray Show next Wednesday, October 28th. I LOVE Harry Connick, Jr....I adore him! He holds the #1 spot on my laminated list. Those big lips, that big hair, those big piano playing hands....swoon.

However, I HATE Rachel with a passion. Let's put it this way...I would rather hear fingernails on a chalkboard then listen to her voice. If I'm flipping through the channels and pass by the Food Network and her show is on, I know the rest of my day is going to suck. Her EVOO and YUM-O are enough to put me over the edge.

So, here's my dilemma. For the love of Harry, do I watch the Rachel Ray show??? I'm considering keeping my thumb hovered over the mute button on my remote, and as soon as she starts to move her mouth, I can mute it and then unmute it while Harry talks. Do you think it would work??? Can I handle a few minutes of Rachel so I can see my sugar dumpling??? HELP!


OMG girl you just made milk come out my nose!!!!!
Jill Oriente said…
Having faced the same dilemma with Sandra Bullock movies (can't stand her but usually love her leading men- esp. Aidan Quinn in Practical Magic, I say go for it and do your best to tune her out. Did you mention that velvet voice?
Heather said…
oh how I love you! LOL! I am thinking maybe you should just suck it up for your man! If it were Johnny Depp I know I would! ;)
Chiara said…
I love Rachel and Harry Connick so I say go for it.
Latharia said…
Watch it with your finger on the mute button. :)

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