
I know the term used as a retort has been around for years. (wikipedia) But, I think more recently the term "whatever" has become overused and abused. (whatevs, evs...) I think this clock pretty much sums it up. (I think it's funny though.)

I still like the word, but feel stupid when it's the only comeback I can think of. Why, when I'm upset, can I only come up with "whatever"?? However, this feels like my life lately. Just one big whatever. I'm sick and tired of dealing with crap and just want to write in permanent marker on my forehead "WHATEVER" and point to said writing whenever someone says something to me. It feels like nothing I do matters or changes anything. So what difference does it make, eh?

If I could find a good synonym, I'd use it instead. But I can't, so I'm stuck with saying "whatever."


Casey Blue said…
I find that making farting sounds with my armpits is a more appropriate response to situations that deserve a whatever. But it is hard to do over the interwebs.
Chiara said…
oh I agree and I still use it.
Latharia said…
I like the all purpose snarky "So?!" comeback. :)

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