
Ok, so that's a new word that I'm using today! We got 5 week old male polydactyl kittens last night! They each have 6 toes on their front paws...how cool! Reminds me of the movie The Princess Bride when Inigo Montoya says "Do you have six fingers on your left hand? I only ask because my father was killed by a six-fingered man." LOVE that movie! We don't have names for the boys yet. These will be the girl's kittens and we want to let them name them. Aren't they cute? Here they both are...aren't they tiny? Here's the dark haired one. Can you see his 6 toes? And here's the light haired one and his 6 toes. Here's one of them playing.
And here's a video of them in action. Sorry it's so dark.


Heather said…
Oh they are so damn cute! Makes me want another kitten -- Steve draws the line at two kitties though! ;) Can't wait to hear what the girls name them -- and it is good to see something new on your blog, too! ;)
Latharia said…
Oh, just too cute!!!! I'm glad to hear they're settling right in. I hope they're weaned okay!
Chiara said…
oh they are just so precious. Can't wait to hear the names.
scrapperjen said…
Awwww - they are SO cute! Enjoy!
OK they are too flippin cute

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