we must be the dumbest pet owners...
Ok, so I dropped off the kittens at the vet yesterday morning to get neutered. Orlando calls to tell me the vet called. The vet told him that they can only neuter Tootles. They can't neuter Nibs. Because...
Nibs is a GIRL!!!
(so they'll spay her of course) Ok, how dumb do I feel?!? When we adopted them (from a lady who had a whole litter and put them on Craig's list) she told us they were both boys and we just assumed she knew what she was talking about. I don't remember "inspecting" them when we got them. (she even had a boys name picked out for him...to tell them all apart...before we picked them up.)
The totally funny thing...just last week Nibs was walking by and I said outloud to Orlando "That is such a girly looking boy. He's too pretty to be a boy." Did I call it or what?
Now the girls want to rename her Wendy or Jane to fit our Peter Pan theme. (We already have a Tiger Lily, our big girl cat and Tootles (lost boy) kitten) I think Nibs is kind of a non-gender name. OH, or we can call her Tinkerbell! We'll let the girls decide.
So, I guess this picture I took of "Nibs" is actually more appropriate then I realized! I guess that's why she was so easy going and didn't mind wearing the little costume...BECAUSE SHE'S A GIRL and she knew she looked cute in it!!! haha

"Nibs"...I'm SO sorry we've been calling you a boy for all this time...I hope you don't have a complex now.
Nibs is a GIRL!!!
(so they'll spay her of course) Ok, how dumb do I feel?!? When we adopted them (from a lady who had a whole litter and put them on Craig's list) she told us they were both boys and we just assumed she knew what she was talking about. I don't remember "inspecting" them when we got them. (she even had a boys name picked out for him...to tell them all apart...before we picked them up.)
The totally funny thing...just last week Nibs was walking by and I said outloud to Orlando "That is such a girly looking boy. He's too pretty to be a boy." Did I call it or what?
Now the girls want to rename her Wendy or Jane to fit our Peter Pan theme. (We already have a Tiger Lily, our big girl cat and Tootles (lost boy) kitten) I think Nibs is kind of a non-gender name. OH, or we can call her Tinkerbell! We'll let the girls decide.
So, I guess this picture I took of "Nibs" is actually more appropriate then I realized! I guess that's why she was so easy going and didn't mind wearing the little costume...BECAUSE SHE'S A GIRL and she knew she looked cute in it!!! haha

"Nibs"...I'm SO sorry we've been calling you a boy for all this time...I hope you don't have a complex now.