Harry vs Rachel

So, I recorded the Rachel Ray show on Wednesday because Harry Connick, Jr. was on. I just finally got enough nerve to watch it today. I kept putting it off because I knew I would have to hear that woman's voice...but for the love of Harry, I had to.

The opening credits alone was enough to make me gag.

So, I muted it and fastfowarded through the show until....ahhh, my sweet Harry came on the screen.

And then this woman kept interrupting him. And asking him stupid questions. I tried to plug my ears and ffwd at the same time, but it didn't really work.

So, overall...it was a lame interview. He was suppose to be the "mystery taster" but he didn't get to eat anything. ??? And she asked him these dumb questions. I mean...I could've done a MUCH better interview then that!


Heather said…
ROTFLMAO! Totally loving the pics!
kaj said…
I know! She didn't even give him something to eat!
kaj said…
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kaj said…
I know! She didn't even give him something to eat!

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