PAD July 2 - Puggy Sue
So, here's my photo for July 2. Ok, I will admit it...I LOVE WEBKINZ. We started by getting the girls a few. Then they got them as gifts. And then they started saving their money to buy their own. They each have a ton now. And then Orlando wanted one...and then I wanted one. And now Orlando and I each have a few as well. (Don't tell him I told you! SHH!) We love to play online and it's a family thing for us. It's something we all love and we can enjoy together. So this is Puggy Sue, my Lil'Kinz Pug. I will admit...I don't really like dogs. Puppies are ok. But I don't like how dependent they are and how much work they are and that's why I do not want a dog as a family pet. BUT, I love pugs. I love the way they look. I would love to "babysit" a pug for a few hours. I just want to give it back when I'm done. So, I got myself a Webkinz Pug instead. She sits in my car and keeps me company. She doesn't need to be walked or fed. She's quiet and doesn't bark. She's the perfect pet!