PAD July 6 - A New CAAAAR!

I love it on The Price is Right when the announcer says "or you could win....A New CAAAAAR!" haha I felt like one of the car models showing off my new car in this photo! (now if only I could model in a bikini and look like they do on the show! haha) So, this is my new 2008 Honda Accord LX-P in Polished Metal. Isn't it lovely? Our lease on the Chevy Malibus were up so we had to trade them in. Orlando got a Dodge Charger and I opted to go for a Honda since I've heard such wonderful things about them. I LOVE this car! It's got fun little buttons and gadgets inside, I can play my iPod through the auxillary cord, it has radio buttons on the steering wheel, and it's comfy. The only isn't red. I've ALWAYS wanted a red car. And it's just never worked out (or Orlando didn't want red). So, this car is in my name only and I got to pick whatever I wanted this time. So, I was going to get red, BUT the interior of the red was a light tan that I DID not like (especially with the girls). Sooooo, I got this cool looking Polished Metal color with black interior. (bottom's a stinkin grey car) BUT, I won't give up. I will get a red car one day! In the meantime, I will totally enjoy my...New CAAAAAR!


Lis said…
Very cool. Love the color.
kaj said…
Don't you just the new car smell, too???
Chiara said…
that is just so awesome
you are friggin adorable
scrapperjen said…
Oh I love it when they say that too!
GREAT car - it looks good on you! :) Enjoy!
Latharia said…
You crack me up.
Heather said…
congrats on the new car girlie!
.tawnya. said…
Honda's area a great car!
You will love it!
Get a red one next time :)
Amy said…
I love it!! I love the color. Very classy!! I can't wait to drive it! hahahahah

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