PAD July 6 - A New CAAAAR!
I love it on The Price is Right when the announcer says "or you could win....A New CAAAAAR!" haha I felt like one of the car models showing off my new car in this photo! (now if only I could model in a bikini and look like they do on the show! haha) So, this is my new 2008 Honda Accord LX-P in Polished Metal. Isn't it lovely? Our lease on the Chevy Malibus were up so we had to trade them in. Orlando got a Dodge Charger and I opted to go for a Honda since I've heard such wonderful things about them. I LOVE this car! It's got fun little buttons and gadgets inside, I can play my iPod through the auxillary cord, it has radio buttons on the steering wheel, and it's comfy. The only isn't red. I've ALWAYS wanted a red car. And it's just never worked out (or Orlando didn't want red). So, this car is in my name only and I got to pick whatever I wanted this time. So, I was going to get red, BUT the interior of the red was a light tan that I DID not like (especially with the girls). Sooooo, I got this cool looking Polished Metal color with black interior. (bottom's a stinkin grey car) BUT, I won't give up. I will get a red car one day! In the meantime, I will totally enjoy my...New CAAAAAR!
GREAT car - it looks good on you! :) Enjoy!
You will love it!
Get a red one next time :)